Enrolment options

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) outline specific skills and competencies in English Language Arts (ELA) from kindergarten through high school. These skills are designed to prepare students for college and career readiness by promoting critical thinking, effective communication, and literacy across various contexts. Below is an overview of the key skills required at different educational stages:

Kindergarten to 2nd Grade

  1. Reading Literature:

    • Recognize and retell familiar stories.
    • Identify the main topic and key details in a text.
    • Describe characters, settings, and major events.
  2. Reading Informational Text:

    • Identify the main idea of a text.
    • Ask and answer questions about the text.
    • Use illustrations to help understand the text.
  3. Writing:

    • Write opinion pieces with a clear introduction and closing.
    • Compose informative/explanatory texts to convey information.
    • Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to express ideas.
  4. Speaking and Listening:

    • Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners.
    • Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions.
    • Ask and answer questions about the topics under discussion.
  5. Language:

    • Demonstrate an understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
    • Use basic punctuation and capitalization correctly.
    • Acquire new vocabulary through conversations, reading, and being read to.

3rd to 5th Grade

  1. Reading Literature:

    • Analyze characters, settings, and events using textual evidence.
    • Understand themes and central messages in literature.
    • Compare and contrast texts in different genres.
  2. Reading Informational Text:

    • Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details.
    • Summarize texts in their own words.
    • Interpret information presented visually (charts, graphs).
  3. Writing:

    • Write narratives that include a sequence of events with descriptive details.
    • Produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task and purpose.
    • Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.
  4. Speaking and Listening:

    • Engage effectively in discussions by building on others' ideas.
    • Report on a topic or text, telling a story or recounting an experience with appropriate facts.
    • Use multimedia components to enhance presentations.
  5. Language:

    • Expand vocabulary through context clues, affixes, and roots.
    • Use grammatical conventions correctly in writing and speaking.
    • Understand figurative language such as metaphors and similes.

6th to 8th Grade

  1. Reading Literature:

    • Analyze how authors use literary elements to create meaning (e.g., plot, character development).
    • Evaluate the impact of the author’s choices on the text’s overall message.
  2. Reading Informational Text:

    • Compare texts in terms of their approaches to similar themes/topics.
    • Evaluate arguments and claims in a text, assessing reasoning and evidence.
  3. Writing:

    • Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
    • Develop informative/explanatory texts that convey complex ideas clearly.
    • Use the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing).
  4. Speaking and Listening:

    • Engage in discussions by actively listening, responding thoughtfully, and posing questions.
    • Present claims with relevant evidence clearly and concisely.
  5. Language:

    • Analyze how language varies based on context or audience (formal vs. informal).
    • Apply knowledge of grammar to improve writing style.

9th to 12th Grade

  1. Reading Literature:

    • Interpret complex literary texts through analysis of themes, characters, setting, point of view, etc.
    • Synthesize ideas across multiple texts for deeper comprehension.
  2. Reading Informational Text:

    • Critically analyze various types of texts (e.g., essays, articles) for argumentation techniques and biases.
    • Evaluate multiple sources on the same topic to form conclusions or make decisions.
  3. Writing:

    • Craft arguments that engage readers while using credible sources for support.
    • Produce analytical essays that require deep engagement with texts.
    • Conduct research projects using multiple sources while adhering to academic standards of citation.
  4. Speaking and Listening:

    • Lead discussions with a clear presentation of ideas while also fostering collaborative dialogue.
    • Utilize technology effectively in presentations (e.g., visuals, digital tools).
  5. Language:

    • Refine language skills by understanding nuances in word choice and connotation.
    • Employ advanced grammatical structures in writing to enhance clarity and style.

These skills represent a progression from foundational literacy at the elementary level to complex analytical abilities required for high school graduation. The CCSS framework emphasizes both comprehension and application of language arts skills across all grade levels to ensure students are well-prepared for future academic endeavors or careers.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)