The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) outline specific grammar and language requirements for students from kindergarten through high school graduation. These standards emphasize grammar as part of broader language skills, which include writing, speaking, listening, and reading. Here’s a breakdown of the grammar requirements by grade level:


  • Demonstrate understanding of basic sentence structure.
  • Capitalize the first word in a sentence and proper nouns.
  • Use punctuation marks correctly (e.g., period, question mark).
  • Recognize and use nouns (singular and plural) and verbs.

1st Grade

  • Use common, proper, and possessive nouns.
  • Use regular plural nouns by adding -s or -es.
  • Form verbs in the present tense (e.g., walk, walks).
  • Write complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation.
  • Use simple conjunctions (e.g., and, but) to form compound sentences.

2nd Grade

  • Recognize and use irregular plural nouns.
  • Use past tense verbs correctly (e.g., walked, ran).
  • Expand sentences using adjectives and adverbs to add details.
  • Use commas in lists and to separate elements in dates.
  • Understand the use of quotation marks for dialogue.

3rd Grade

  • Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in sentences.
  • Form and use regular and irregular verbs in various tenses (past, present, future).
  • Use coordinating conjunctions (e.g., for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to create compound sentences.
  • Create complex sentences using subordinate clauses introduced by conjunctions (e.g., because, although).
  • Correctly use commas in direct address and to separate adjectives that describe the same noun.

4th Grade

  • Identify prepositions and prepositional phrases in sentences.
  • Use relative pronouns (who, whose, whom, which) to connect clauses.
  • Employ complex sentence structures effectively (including subordinate clauses).
  • Correctly apply rules for using apostrophes for possession (singular and plural).

5th Grade

  • Differentiate between transitive and intransitive verbs; use them appropriately.
  • Understand verb tense consistency within a paragraph or text.
  • Employ modifiers (adjectives/adverbs) effectively to enhance writing clarity.
  • Use punctuation correctly for complex sentences, including commas before conjunctions in compound sentences.

6th Grade

  • Use all parts of speech accurately (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions).
  • Identify gerunds and infinitives as verbal forms that can act as nouns.
  • Utilize various types of phrases (prepositional phrases, participial phrases) in writing.
  • Employ appropriate punctuation for effect (e.g., dashes or ellipses).

7th Grade

  • Analyze the use of grammatical structures across different contexts or styles of writing.
  • Apply knowledge of standard English conventions in writing with increasing complexity.
  • Distinguish between active voice and passive voice; use them purposefully in writing.

8th Grade

  • Engage with advanced grammatical concepts such as parallel structure and sentence variety for style enhancement.
  • Understand nuances of word choice to convey meaning precisely (connotation vs. denotation).
  • Develop skills in constructing effective thesis statements that guide the structure of essays using standard grammar rules.

High School (Grades 9-12)

  1. Grade 9:

    • Apply conventions of standard English grammar across various types of writing.
    • Recognize how shifts in verb tense affect meaning.
    • Use complex sentence structures deliberately to enhance coherence.
  2. Grade 10:

    • Analyze the grammatical choices authors make in texts to convey tone or style.
    • Develop writing that incorporates a range of sentence lengths and structures for impact.
  3. Grade 11:

    • Produce clear and coherent writing using varied syntax.
    • Use advanced punctuation effectively to clarify relationships among ideas.
  4. Grade 12:

    • Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English through polished essays suitable for college-level expectations.
    • Employ sophisticated grammatical constructions purposefully in argumentation and analysis.

These grammar requirements reflect a progressive development of language skills throughout a student’s education from kindergarten to high school graduation under the Common Core framework. The emphasis is not only on understanding grammatical rules but also on applying them effectively in various writing contexts to improve clarity, coherence, and overall communication skills.